MINUTES OF MEETING REUNION WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Reunion West Community Development District was held on Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom Communication Media Technology and at the Heritage Crossing Community Center, 7715 Heritage Crossing Way, Reunion, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum: Graham Staley Chairman Sharon Harley Vice Chair Michael Barry Assistant Secretary Mark Greenstein Assistant Secretary William (Bill) Witcher Assistant Secretary Also present were: Tricia Adams District Manager Kristen Trucco District Counsel Steve Boyd Boyd Civil Engineering Alan Scheerer Field Manager Aura Zelada Reunion West POA Garrett Huegel Yellowstone Landscape Services Pete Wittman Yellowstone Landscape Services Residents The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the October 12, 2023 Reunion West Community Development District Board of Supervisors meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Adams called the meeting to order at 11:01 a.m. and called the roll. All Supervisors were present. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period There being no comments, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the September 14, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting Ms. Adams presented the minutes of the September 14, 2023 Board of Supervisors meeting, which were reviewed by District Counsel and District management staff. Subsequent to publication, Mr. Staley provided corrections attributable to additional verbiage, which would be incorporated. On MOTION by Mr. Greenstein seconded by Mr. Witcher with all in favor the Minutes of the September 14, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting were approved as amended. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Ms. Trucco had a conference call since last meeting with the Reunion West POA team, staff, the District Manager, a Board Member and the Chairman regarding maintenance of the verges and the right-of-ways (ROWs) in Reunion West. They were continuing to work cooperatively with the Reunion West POA to reach a resolution. No Board action was necessary at this time as there were no specific updates, but they were hoping to come to agreement on those items before the next Board meeting. Mr. Staley recalled the Vice President of the Reunion West POA Board saying that it was very helpful as he did not understand how the CDD operated and requested another call, since he could only stay for an hour. It was encouraging, but they still had some concerns about the services they were receiving. Mr. Staley wanted it to be collaborative and to resolve matters sensibly as they were going to work together for the next 20 to 30 years. Mr. Greenstein asked if they wanted that area to be maintained, the HOA must maintain it. Mr. Staley confirmed that the HOA would continue to maintain it. It also covered things like the irrigation of certain CDD land, which the HOA stated that they were paying for; however, it was not clear in the agreement. Ms. Trucco recalled in the past, the Board wanted it to be consistent with both CDDs and with the historical practices between the parties. It was going in a good direction and hopefully by the next Board meeting, they would more of an update for the Board on the specifics. Ms. Trucco was continuing to follow up on the Traffic Enforcement Agreement with the Osceola County Sheriff's Department, with one call and one email per week to their attorney to get their feedback, in order for the Sheriff's Office to provide basic traffic enforcement services on the ROW. They had questions about the gates and it was reiterated to them that the gates were soft gates, the roadways were open to the public and traffic enforcement services should be provided on the roadways. Hopefully by the next meeting, she would have an update. Mr. Staley felt this should be their number one priority because safety and police enforcement of the law was important to them. Mr. Witcher pointed out that Bill HB 949, dealing with operators of golf carts on public roads, went into effect as of October 1st and at a minimum, drivers 16 years and older, needed to have a learner's permit to be able to operate a golf cart on public roads. Mr. Staley stated the issue of whether road signs should be blue or green, was part of what they were doing with Osceola County and the Sheriff's Department. Ms. Trucco explained they were trying to clear up the color of the signage indicating to the Sheriff's Department whether they were public or private roads as part of the Traffic Enforcement Agreement. However, residents needed to contact the Sheriff's Department if they had an issue with golf cart usage, as the CDD did not have the power to regulate them. Mr. Staley recalled an incident in the Encore neighborhood last week, where 100 golf carts were rented even though they did not have a golf course, which was a challenge for the POA to regulate. Ms. Trucco provided that incident Osceola County as part of the Traffic Enforcement Agreement to make them aware of that issue. B. Engineer i. Consideration of Bid Documents for Right of Way Repairs ii. Consideration of Universal Pavement Condition Report Mr. Boyd presented the bid documents for the ROW repairs and the Pavement Condition Report with Universal Engineering Services (UES). UES performed borings in select locations, based on their initial evaluation. The outbound lane of Tradition Boulevard was considered poor, but all of the other locations that they were asked to investigate was fair. Their overall recommendation was that all of those areas should be milled and resurfaced, which Mr. Boyd felt was overly conservative, as he did not think they needed to be milled and resurfaced at this time. He took their information and combined it with what he believed was the best and most important first step to start with, being sensitive to the annual budget. They recommended milling and resurfacing the outbound lanes of Tradition Boulevard, just before the Gatehouse, with a minimum of 1½ inch of milling, a new top coat and then bringing in a new layer of 4½ inch of asphalt. This was identified on Sheets 1.02 W and 1.01 W, which shows the worst condition pavement. Beyond that, they recommended a total restriping of Tradition Boulevard and all of Grand Traverse Parkway up to the Davenport Creek Bridge as well as a spot repair of the potholes on Desert Mountain Court, due to all of the construction on Desert Mountain Court, but not repaving Desert Mountain Court at this time. A bid form was provided to obtain proposals for each section separately with estimated quantities. As long as they were reasonable, Mr. Boyd recommended proceeding with all of this work. Mr. Scheerer recommended replacing all of pavement markings on the east side of the entrance gate from Whitemarsh Way to the gatehouse. They were not proposing to resurface between Sinclair Road and the gatehouse at this time, because the inbound lanes of asphalt looked good, but in future years, they could develop a resurfacing program. Mr. Witcher recalled that they were doing the stop bars at various intersections where there were stop signs, but there was nothing in the report other than just a double yellow line striping. Ms. Adams confirmed that pavement markings, stop bars and crosswalks were budgeted for Fiscal Year 2024 and Mr. Scheerer could facilitate that community wide, once the pavement work occurred. Mr. Boyd would include those in the bid. Ms. Adams recalled a question about centerline markings in certain areas. Mr. Boyd stated the section of Grand Traverse Parkway from the bridge to Tradition Boulevard was of the most concern because of the speed people were traveling at night, which could certainly have double yellow line striping, but once they get past that point, there could be double yellow lines; however, Mr. Boyd did not think it was necessary. Mr. Witcher recalled that they would combine the bids for the east and west side to get better value, rather than having one bid for Reunion East and one for Reunion West. Mr. Boyd was planning on sending the bid packages out together, but they were separated in order for the Boards to address them separately and would amend it to extend a double yellow line across the Davenport Creek bridge and get all of the stop bars quantified. Mr. Greenstein suggested running the striping all the way through as there were certain areas where there were curves that might benefit from the striping, such as the outdoor fitness center area and the playground. Mr. Barry pointed out that the parking was confusing with one side of the street parking, as it was difficult for a car driving on the same side of the street to stay within the center line. Ms. Harley recalled there was parking on both sides of the street at the children’s park on Valhalla Terrace and ‘No Parking’ signs. Mr. Staley requested that the Board consider whether there would be double sided parking next to the playground as it required a public hearing. Ms. Adams would review the existing parking maps to see if a sign was missed. Mr. Staley believed there should be one sided parking down Grand Traverse Parkway as well as a solid yellow line on one side and a dotted yellow line on the other, because a double yellow line, would mean no parking on either side. Mr. Greenstein believed that people were going to cross whether there was a solid line or not and the question was whether they should stripe all of roads or bypass The Estates. They had issues on Excitement Drive on the east side starting on the curve when leaving Radiant Street, as cars were crossing over to the wrong side of the road. Mr. Staley asked if there needed to be a double yellow line so people would not park there. Mr. Greenstein pointed out they were starting with Slow Down Curve Ahead signage on both sides, due to the S-curves and being a main artery and the next step would be yellow striping to keep people on the proper side of the road. Mr. Barry liked the proposal as it was. Mr. Scheerer indicated that the signs were ordered at the request of the Board for the eastbound and westbound lanes of Excitement Drive and they were just waiting for the poles. Mr. Witcher did not believe there needed to be double striping in this area, but there needed to be double striping towards the bridge because it was a long straightaway. Mr. Staley agreed with not having any additional striping but liked the idea of having a dangerous curve ahead sign. Mr. Greenstein agreed with having a dangerous curve sign past the bridge on Grand Traverse Parkway. Ms. Harley requested one by the outdoor exercise equipment on Wynstone Way, due to the construction traffic. Mr. Staley requested that Mr. Scheerer install dangerous curve ahead signs before the Heritage Preserve bridge near the bathrooms and on Wynstone Way. Mr. Staley wanted to address traffic calming such as speed bumps and ramps. Ms. Adams stated it was addressed by the Reunion East Board and Mr. Boyd was not recommending any traffic calming at this time for Reunion West. Mr. Witcher recalled the Board discussing traffic calming for Tradition Boulevard past the guardhouse for people cutting through and suggested purchasing ones that could be attached to the road versus going through the pavement. Ms. Adams pointed out the temporary ones were not as durable as constructing a speed cushion as part of the roadway. Mr. Boyd offered to include speed humps/tables in the bid package for the eastbound side past the guardhouse or halfway to the stop sign. Mr. Staley did not see an urgency. Mr. Greenstein felt that the radar signs that flashed the speed would help, but suggested that rental property managers communicate the speed limits to their clients as the average speed of the road was 43 miles-per-hour (MPH) and was supposed to be 25 MPH. Ms. Harley indicated that they informed guests of the resort about the rules of the road, but did not specify a speed limit and would include it in the information that they sent out. Mr. Greenstein requested a week's worth of data on an Excel spreadsheet. Mr. Scheerer pointed out they were Bluetooth versus the cloud- based ones that the Board approved for the Encore Reunion West section and he had to use a laptop in the office to retrieve all of the information from each sign. Mr. Staley requested that staff send a letter to the four major property management companies to advise guests that the speed limit within the resort was 25 MPH. Mr. Greenstein requested that the striping on Tradition Boulevard take into account left turn lanes, such as into the parking lot at the Nicholas Golf Course and the area by Bears Den through the Eagle Trace area. Mr. Staley recalled that the area from the bridge at the start of Reunion West to the gatehouse was supposed to be included in the bid as part of the restriping. Mr. Scheerer stated it would replace the existing striping, but there was no ability to create left turn lakes because the width was unavailable. Mr. Greenstein proposed covering them up so no one could make a left turn where they should not make one. Mr. Boyd would look at it and modify the striping if necessary to function as a single lane. Mr. Greenstein pointed out at the infamous house on Jack Nicklaus Court, there was a driveway at the locked double gate with markings that allowed for a left turn. It was private property and never intended for normal traffic. Ms. Harley believed this area was only by emergency services. Mr. Staley requested that it be striped for emergency access. On MOTION by Mr. Barry seconded by Ms. Harley with all in favor the bid documents for the right-of-way repairs to include stop bars, striping, crosswalks, golf cart crossing and review of Eagle Trace intersection was approved. Mr. Boyd left the meeting. Ms. Adams requested that the Board consider amending and restating the Parking Rules, as vehicles were currently parking on both sides of Grand Traverse Parkway near Valhalla Terrace, which was overlooked when the towaway zones were identified. Ms. Adams would coordinate with Mr. Scheerer and Mr. Boyd on whether parking should be restricted on one side of Grand Traverse Parkway or around the perimeter of the playground. In order to amend and restate the Parking Rules, a public hearing must be held at the regular meeting scheduled for December 14th as there was a requirement to publish a notice 28 and 29 days prior. At the next meeting, staff would bring back a proposed form identifying what would be considered during the rule hearing. On MOTION by Mr. Barry seconded by Ms. Harley with all in favor scheduling a public hearing to consider a rule hearing on December 14, 2023 to amend and restate the Parking Rules was approved. Ms. Adams recalled that earlier there was Board consensus for staff to send a letter to the four property management companies to advise guests about the speed limit within the resort and clarified that there were five property management companies for short term rentals: Florida Vacations, Magical Vacations, Jeeves Florida Rentals, Reunion Resort and Rentyl. There was also Board consensus for Mr. Scheerer to install “Slow Down Curve Ahead” signs on Grand Traverse Parkway and for the Board to review the data from the radar sign display signs. Mr. Staley preferred to review data from all radar signs in the community for the past several months. The Board requested that Mr. Scheerer confirm whether the roads/paths in Spectrum, Eagle Trace and Bears Den were private and review the road construction near the waterpark. C. District Manager’s Report i. Action Items List Ms. Adams presented the Action Items List, which was provided for informational purposes. Mr. Barry requested an update on the Whitemarsh Mound. Mr. Scheerer was able to get a vendor to work with Yellowstone and were waiting for some numbers. If it was a reasonable amount, they would approve and complete the work, but if it was unreasonable, Mr. Scheerer would bring it back to the Board at the next meeting. Mr. Staley questioned what the gas company said. Mr. Scheerer received approval from People’s Gas to take down the mound and was waiting for a response from TECO. They were doing all of the locates and obtaining all of the information, so they could proceed next month. Mr. Staley proposed authorizing Mr. Scheerer to proceed if it was a reasonable amount. Ms. Adams suggested that the Board set a not-to-exceed amount or delegate authority to a Board Member to work with Mr. Scheerer. Mr. Staley appointed Mr. Barry to work with Mr. Scheerer. On MOTION by Mr. Staley seconded by Ms. Harley with all in favor appointing Mr. Barry to work with Mr. Scheerer on the Whitemarsh Way mound was approved. Mr. Staley noticed the Irrigation Agreement on the agenda for the Reunion East CDD meeting and asked if it was ready for execution. Ms. Trucco confirmed that Kingwood’s counsel signed off on it at the last Board meeting and Kingwood agreed to the final form. There would be a public hearing to approve the current rates for 2023 as a formality. Mr. Staley asked if they were satisfied that there was no CDD ownership of the irrigation system in Reunion West. Ms. Trucco explained that Mr. Boyd was in the process of confirming it, but they were satisfied based on the information that they received. Mr. Staley asked if Mr. Boyd determined that the Reunion West CDD owned part of the irrigation system, whether this would stop them from executing the Reunion East agreement. Ms. Trucco confirmed that it would not affect the Reunion East CDD Agreement as the two systems were developed differently and based on discussions they had with Mr. Boyd, it appeared that the Reunion West system was different and not owned by the CDD. If there was evidence to the contrary, Ms. Trucco would bring it back to the Board and go through the process that the Reunion East CDD Board went through. She was confident that they would reach a similar agreement with Kingwood. ii. Approval of Check Register Ms. Adams presented the Check Register from September 1, 2023 through September 30, 2023 in the amount of $50,888.41. Mr. Staley questioned whether there was a formal process for following up with the party responsible for damaging the gates. Ms. Trucco would have to check the current District rules to see if there was a provision that anyone using District property was responsible for any damages they caused. Usually there was a provision in the Amenity Policy or Rules of Procedure that any users of District property were responsible for reimbursing the District for damages and some Districts fined $250 for gate damages, but they had issues collecting it. Ms. Adams identified when drivers damaged the gates, and the driver or vehicle owner was identified, they either paid for damages out of pocket or their insurance would pay for it or they filed a claim against their insurance. She had the most success with commercial vendors. Ms. Zelada and her team were in contact with the responsible party if they knew who damaged District property at Encore neighborhood in Reunion West CDD. Ms. Zelada reported 11 barrier poles were knocked down in Encore neighborhood at Reunion West, but many times, they were able to reconnect them. At least three times they had to completely replace poles and in one month, they had to replace six poles. Twice, with the help of the guards, they were able to locate the vehicle that damaged the gate, get their insurance information and obtain reimbursement. Mr. Staley questioned what Mr. Vargas’ process was when someone hit the gate. Ms. Adams stated part of their Post Orders included writing a report if there was damage to District property, which was provided to District management and field management staff. Mr. Staley noticed new barriers on the outward Sinclair Gate, but they were not lit. Mr. Scheerer indicated they had reflective tape, but whoever installed the gates, put them on backwards. Mr. Staley asked if the choice was to go with reflective tape as opposed to lights. Mr. Scheerer confirmed there was always reflective tape and no lights as they make lights on gate arms now. They changed all of the exit gates because they were used to keeping them open and only closed the entry gates, but when the cut through traffic issue started, they changed all of the exit gates to lighted gates. Mr. Scheerer would have the gates flipped around so they were lit. On MOTION by Mr. Greenstein seconded by Ms. Harley with all in favor the August Check Register was approved. iii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Ms. Adams presented the Unaudited Financial Statements through August 31, 2023, which were for informational purposes. They were still for Fiscal Year 2023. iv. Replacement and Maintenance Plan Ms. Adams presented the Replacement and Maintenance Plan for Fiscal Year 2023 and Fiscal Year 2024. They were wrapping up items in Fiscal Year 2023 and making sure the coding was correct before moving to Fiscal Year 2024. The only item in process was the Reunion East CDD Board previously approved a roof replacement at Seven Eagles and today staff would be presenting proposals for resurfacing the pool and spa at Seven Eagles, which would be completed at the same time as the roof replacement. D. Security Report Ms. Adams reported that the September Security Report was provided to the Board under separate cover. Mr. Victor Vargas, Director of Reunion Security, apologized for not attending, as he had to attend a security conference. Mr. Staley requested a security report for the Encore neighborhood, from their new security provider, Curtis Protection Services. Ms. Zelada noted that their transition date was Monday, September 25th. She would provide one to Mr. Staley, but it would take time. It would probably be the report for October. They have been coaching them for the Classic Car weekend that was going to be held before Thanksgiving. Ms. Harley pointed out that next year, thankfully Easter did not coincide with Passover. Mr. Staley received a request during the first part of this month for golf carts to be parked on CDD land in the Encore community, which was denied, because it was a violation of the parking rules. In his opinion, it was the right decision for the CDD to take as a precedent would have been set. Ms. Harley indicated that it was always a headache for Encore to manage golf carts over certain holidays. Ms. Zelada was reminding owners to educate their guests, not to provide the door code to their home and to specify the parking rules in their rental contract. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no comments, the next item followed. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests Mr. Staley requested including the standard agreement for access to CDD property on the Action Items List. Ms. Adams confirmed it was the last item on the Action Items List. Mr. Staley questioned whether they needed to do anything with the dumpsters for the upcoming holiday. Ms. Adams recalled that the Reunion East Board directed staff at their September meeting to prepare a license agreement for the dumpsters at The Stables property. They did not want to include an additional dumpster for the holidays, but the license agreement had more restrictive requirements to maintain the appearance, cleanliness, sanitation, pest control, all of the concerns that were brought to the Board's attention. It was currently being reviewed by the Master Association and Reunion Resort, as it was a two-party agreement between the District and Master Association, but Reunion Resort was involved with the review. Ms. Trucco recalled drafting a holiday dumpster license agreement, last year. Ms. Adams pointed out the Board chose not to do that for the holiday season this year and to stick with the one dumpster for now. Ms. Harley asked if the current dumpster license was with Kingwood. Ms. Adams confirmed that The Stables parcel had a Management Service Agreement (MSA) with Kingwood that required general maintenance and cleanliness; however, even after bringing compliance issues with that agreement to their attention, the matter was not resolved and it was identified that the Master Association has responsibility for the dumpster. Therefore, it made sense to have the dumpster license agreement with the Master Association. Ms. Harley voiced concern about excessive trash if there were not going to be additional dumpsters and if they should ask the Master Association to collect the trash and empty it more frequently over the holiday period. Ms. Adams stated it would be the responsibility of the Master Association. Ms. Adams would provide a copy of the Reunion East agreement to the Board. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Date – November 9, 2023 The next meeting was scheduled November 9, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Staley seconded by Mr. Greenstein with all in favor the meeting was adjourned. Signature - Tricia Adams Signature - Graham Staley Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman